Hindu Pujas at Jibantala Bombed

It’s another sordid story of Hindu bashing from Jibantala, one of the most dreadful Muslim-dominated and violence-prone areas in the realm of 24 Paraganas (South).

The incident of molesting a Hindu girl occurred on October 20, 2012 (Tuesday), day of Maha Navami, at village: Madhya Narayanpur, Block: Canning – II, P.S. Jibantala, District: 24 Paraganas (South). And it was done by the joint activity of a few Islamist youths of the same village and of the neighboring Muslim-dominated village of Dhoaghata. The culprits tried to snatch scarf of the girl that led to a wild conflict between Hindu and Muslim youths.

The scuffle was so intense that local police had to intervene (after all) to call it a halt. Islamists, when Hindus were preparing for the immersion of Holy Deity of Devi Durga on October 24 on Vijaya Dashami, bombed the venue. Later, the immersion took place under stringent police vigilance.

Islamists expressed their nasty mindset once again during Kalipuja.

Kalipuja at village: Madhya Narayanpur was bombed around 11 pm, on November 15, 2012.

Madhya Narayanpur and its neighborhood are under police vigil now; Hindus are apprehending a worse danger in the coming days.

Islamists are going on with threatening Hindus living there. Hindus are too scared to lodge a formal complaint against the attackers in the local police station.


Unknown said…
Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!


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