Muslim Cow Smugglers Holding Bengal Governance to Ransom

Bongaon incident exposes dirty secret
Presence of dreaded, nasty business of cow smuggling (unabated in the India-Bangladesh bordering districts of West Bengal) poking fun at religious beliefs of Hindus is known to all but its definite intensity surfaced only on Friday – November 24, 2012, following the death of four Muslim cow smugglers at Bangaon-Chakdaha road in Sialdanga area, P.S. Gopalnagar, Distirct: 24 Paraganas (South).

The four slain Muslim smugglers – namely, Ilias Mandal (age13), Moktar Mandal (age 22), Naoker Mandal (age 14) and Marjul Mandal (age 26) happened to be inhabitants of Meherpur area, P.S. Gopalnagar and died as a result of car accident. But this gruesome development was protested by a series of blockades in both railway and roads under teams of smugglers! 

Bangaon-Chakdaha Main Road and Bangaon-Ranaghat railway close to Gopalnagar 15 and 16 rail gates were choked up for hours leading to a complete disarray and harassments of commuters.

It has come to the knowledge, one 407 car, meant for smuggling cows into Bangladesh, was moving from Chakdaha to Gopalnagar at 1 am, Friday. The car was confronted by a band of Hindu youths at Sialdanga – who (they didn’t get any suitable answer despite asking several questions of their presence there in the deep night) getting skeptical of Muslim youths’ real intentions chased them. To steer clear of the Hindu youths, the car started running fast. And to get hold of Muslim smugglers, Hindu youths started pelting stones; one of those pebbles hit the driver and the car started to stumble all of a sudden.

After a few minutes the car collided with a truck standing there already diagonally. A single strike proved to be enough for the ravage – four Muslim cow smugglers along with ten cows died on the spot. Even if police made best efforts to deny the presence of cows, dead bodies of animals were found at the spot of occurrence. 

The blockades taking place soon after along with the fracas between hosts of cow smugglers and police, utter capitulation of administration to the smugglers revealed once more that cow smuggling is ruling the roost in various echelons of Bengal administration.


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