Communal Tensions Flare Up in Katwa, Burdhwan District

Communal Tensions Rise in Katwa After Muslims Abuse Hindus in Durga Puja

During Durga Puja (Socio-Religious festival of Bengali Hindus), Oct 16,2010 (Nabami-ninth day) night several Muslims youth gathered in front of a Palita Road Puja Mandap (Hindu religious altar) and used abusive and condescending language against Hindus and the Hindu faith in presence of the police. The mandap is near Katwa railroad station in Katwa town (Police Station is Katwa in Burdhwan District of West Bengal). ..... Continued....

To Read the Full Story, please visit the following links:


HinduBengal said…
More and more hindus should be organised to defend ourselves from the islamic onslaught going on in Bengal.
We cant sit dumb now..
We really have to join the choir

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