The Lessons from Deganga

Prasun Maitra

The innocent Hindus of Deganga witnessed the barbaric face of Muslim fundamentalism. The so called ‘religion of peace’ revealed its true face there and the administration failed to provide any protection to Hindus and preferred to bow down in front of Islamic terror.

The most of the people of Deganga had migrated from Muslim dominated East Bengal to Hindu dominated India leaving behind their paternal property there in order to save their cultural dignity which was under tremendous threat in East Bengal.

To Read the Full Story and to View Pictures of the Damage, please visit the following link/s.


Unknown said…
today at the eve of durgapuja a durga idol is broken down by some kumorpara,barrackpore...........titagarh police has arrested one of the culprits.
HinduBengal said…
these mullah jihadis should be dealt hardly now..

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