Puja Pandal Attacked in Basanti

Can Hindus get justice in secular India ever? Time to evade such a daydream!

Islamists attacked a Hindu religious function in Basanti, and desecrated the altar and destroyed the Murthi (Icon) of Goddess Lakshmi by chooping off the head and hands of the Deity. The local police has remained mute spectators against the attackers. In contrast, they forced the devotees to drown the Murthi and local arrested Hindus for protesting and have not allowed the media to cover the communal event.

To Read the Full Report, Please Click the Following Links:

Addendum - Information Hitherto:
Hindus in Basanti go on shivering – in fright and uncertainty

There seems to be no respite for the Hindus at Ranigarh, Jyotishpur Bazar, P.S.: Basanti, West Bengal, who dared to voice their protests against the sinister designs of the administrative scenario, local and also state-wide, under the cloak of secularism.
To Read in Full, Please Click the Following Links:


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