Mograhat Proves Hindus Can Also Triumph.

* One…….Two……….Three – Create Many Mograhats *
There is a calculated myth across the globe (and more among the adversaries of Dharma) that pluralist Hindus can’t fight at all and succumb to the first shot of every onslaught. As already said this is nothing else save for a long drawn out parable and the time has come to break the same altogether and prove Hindus can also struggle for the sake of Dharma. Well, there is nothing to lose hope as village of Dakshin Marjada under Mograhat P.S. in South 24 Parganas district has shown the way.

What happened in 2009?
Sovarani Atheletic Club and a Muslim graveyard is side by side. Lat year, Muslims created tried to obstruct the Hindu festival of Durga Puja. The Hindus resisted. This year, Muslims claimed that they have obtained some court judgement in their favour to stop the Puja. Hence they tried to obstruct the Puja.


HinduBengal said…
We really need to retaliate strongly..
these animals should be taught a lesson

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