August 16 and Gopal Mukherjee Commemoration Day

Dear Friend,

Hindu Samhati is all set to retrieve a lost episode of history, especially for those who have failed to remember it sincerely; an episode that commenced a humongous destruction of Hindus all in all.  

In 1946, when Hindus in then Bengal were both witnessing and undergoing a catastrophe, devised by the heinous anti-Hindu strategies of Muslim League., a single Hindu individual, tigerish in every sense of the term, rose to the occasion and saved dignity and lives of Hindus in Kolkata. Without a shred of doubt, had there been no such act, West Bengal would have been included in Pakistan and Kolkata turned into the capital of Pakistan only.

On August 16, 1946, Muslim League invoked Direct Action Day in demand of Pakistan. And the day was turned into a Great Calcutta Killing thanks to the then Muslim League government and its Chief Minister Suhrawardy.

The Hindu tiger was none except Sri Gopal Chandra Mukherjee (a.k.a Gopal Pantha) and to commemorate his memory along with his daringness exemplified best in saving Hindus, Hindu Samhati is organizing Gopal Mukherjee Day on August 16, 2012.

We invite you to join the convention in strength and pay glowing tributes to Sri Gopal Chandra Mukherjee, our valorous ancestor.

With thanks,

Tapan Kumar Ghosh – President, Hindu Samhati

Venue – Bharat Sabha Hall (Indian Association Hall),  62, B. B. Ganguly Street, Kolkata - 12. 

Date: August 16, 2012 
Time - 3 pm 
Chief Speaker - Sri Amitava Ghosh 
Special Guest: Sri Shantanu Mukherjee (grandson of Sri Gopal Chandra Mukherjee)  


nilabha ghosh said…
i am an hindu and i salute this person .. long live Gopal Mukheerjee

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