Changing Bangladesh – deep concern for India

Hindus must come forward to save Matribhumi

How will India’s relation with Bangladesh fare in the coming days? The issue is of exceeding great importance since the possible change of guard in that country will (definitely) affect Indian political scenario majorly. As reports are coming in, support for the reigning government under Sheikh Hasina is dwindling fast there and if it remains unhindered, Begum Khaleda Zia, known highly for her (also of her supporting parties) anti-India diatribes fro decades, will replace the existing Prime Minister, adding salt to the gaping wound of India.

If India is to be saved, Hindus have to come forward in strength. India belongs to Hindus, their Sanatana Dharma from time immemorial. That’s why, Hindus must be inculcated the true Kshatriya spirit to save the motherland.  Gone are the days when Hindus in India used to enjoy complete security under a civil administration – they have got to fight now to retain the same.

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