Hindu family persecuted dreadfully in Malda

Political parties defend Islamists; sing to tunes of pseudo-secularism

Each and every development, these days, do prove how the dream of Hindus to retain a political dominance in Bengal is unimaginable or totally unlikely. Malda district was never a stronghold for Hindus but the condition, at least, in the earlier decades, was comparatively better. At the moment, the situation there is out of the frying pan into the fire.

On August 21, 2012, a gang of Islamists (armed with conventional and rural weapons), led by Jabbar Sheikh, attacked residence of Patanu Mandal, Hindu individual and resident of village: Nurdipur, P.S. Gajol. They were found to demand an amount of Rs. 500 from Patanu’s sons. And when they refused to give in, the brutal assault took place. Incidentally, Jabbar and other Islamists do live in the same village.

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