Nazrul Islam’s loathing enrages Hindus

Hindu-bashing not to be tolerated

How do we refer to a person who changes his mind at every time and speak differently hence? A total bullshit!! How can we talk about a person then who hides his true character for decades but fails ultimately? Well, the person can surely be termed as a sly leopard failing to change his spots even after masquerading himself under the borrowed skin of a cur or simply……….. Secularism.

We are talking of Dr. Nazrul Islam, IPS and Additional Director General of Police of Bengal who hit the headlines in the early 1990s for several reasons ranging from heroism to feats in the arena of literature. The person who was termed as the true human face of a repressive police system in Bengal then has changed a lot by now…………… he is found to champion Islamism these days and has the audacity to state even that “Bengal’s chief minister should be a Muslim; but the Government was against it.”

The statement was made at a seminar organized by West Bengal Muslim Association (WBMA) recently at Muslim Institute Hall in the metropolis of Kolkata and attended by 150 Muslims all in all.

Nazrul Islam didn’t stop there but went on to make a few more statements that does not disgrace the secular character of India (as it is till the time of writing this article) only but gives fillip to animosities between communities also. He stated, “Muslims should get maximum opportunities to hold high posts and in Police Force; but the government is not doing anything.”

An assortment of other statements of this self-claimed neo-representative of Muslims in Bengal includes – “Among the representatives elected to the Rajya-sabha (Upper House)’, there are persons speaking Urdu language; but there is not a single Bengali Muslim. Time has come to give a reply to all of them”, “If the Government dismisses me for saying such things in front of everyone, I will start agitation for Muslims.” 

Apart from these, the novel messiah was found to lament on lots of other issues as well. According to him, Bengal in the decades following independence has miserably failed to restore Muslims in the state – there has been no Muslim Home Secretary or Police Commissioner, let alone any Chief Minister.  In this regard, Bengal as per him, is markedly different to other states of the Union of India namely Maharashtra, Bihar or Rajasthan. The state is led by Brahmins (amounting to merely 2% in Bengal) ever since 1947 up till now and that's why, he sheds tears for Hindu SC and Hindu ST people as well.  

How can all these be avenged? Dr. Nazrul Islam has his own solutions…………formation of a Muslim political party – to make Muslims realize the crude reality (?) and decide their own fate.

Should we end here now? It can easily be done – but what’s about Nazrul Islam’s vitiated charges!!

To cut a long story short, Muslims are better of in India and also in Bengal than their own promised lands of Pakistan and Bangladesh – countries which are big zeros if judged by modern paradigms including development in economy, job sector, technology and above all saga of human development.

Ever since 1947 Muslims (for failing to move to Pakistan) in the Indian state Bengal have been remaining in a free and fair social system, devoid of any strident religious bias, and participating in every activity within society. Thanks to wave of illegal migration from Islamists in Bangladesh, many areas in Bengal (dominated by Hindus earlier) have already succumbed to Islamists and the number is increasing with each day it passes.    

Evidently, Dr. Nazrul Islam is clued-up of all these and also of the mounting clout of Islamists on the Bengal administration and how the later is knuckling under the former specter.

All, at this point in time, therefore, he wants is to have a bigger share of the cake (fast rising political power of Islamists in Bengal).

His heart, it seems, bleeds a great deal perceiving lot of Hindu SC and Hindu ST people. How far has he protested against the recurrent persecution on Hindus, comprising Hindu SC and Hindu ST people mainly, in Bangladesh then? Doesn’t he know the fate of Hindus, also SC and ST people mainly, in Pakistan? Why is there a strange silence on all these if he is a true humanitarian?  

What Dr. Nazrul Islam fails to realize is that Hindu community, by now, has changed a great deal as well and its transition from a modest and restrained society to an increasingly assertive one can’t be left out.  

Perhaps he is not aware that same voices were heard in the formative years of Pakistan movement too (Hindus are highly experient) and also of the fact that Hindus are equipped (for ever and a day) to defend their own interests and fight off any new Islamic onslaught on them. Bengal happens to be a breeding ground in this respect too, these days.

When Secularism betrays Hindus, Communalism becomes the mainstay.  


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