Invasion from the East

The disproportionate increase in the Muslim population in eastern India, both on account of continuing migration and higher fertility vis-à-vis other communities, has triggered major demographic distortions. The growth has been particularly steep in Assam, West Bengal, and Bihar, and is nearing double digit figures in Manipur and Tripura (Census 2011 religious demography figures have not been revealed so far).

Censuses since 1951 show a sustained rise in Muslim population, in absolute and percentage terms, and a nation-wide corresponding decline in numbers of Hindu Faiths (Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, and Buddhists). By Census 1981, Muslim population growth stood at nearly 45 per cent higher rate than Hindus and Christians. Census 2001 put the decadal growth rate of Muslims at around 36%, while Hindu growth rate declined from 23 per cent to 20 per cent.

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