Shudra-Muslim alliance – monstrous plan to destroy Hindus forever in West Bengal

Nazrul Islam’s suggestion ought to be thwarted

Musalmander Karoniyo (What the Muslims Should Do), the book written by Nazrul Islam, IPS and also the current Additional Director General of Police of Bengal, is raising storm throughout Bengal for an assortment of issues put forward by him, considered by political pundits as highly provocative and having the potential to commove religious harmony in the state.

How far it is going to assist Muslims remains unknown but the book leaves no stone unturned to bash Hindus, their religious sentiments and harm their political presence in the state of Bengal. And this is proved by Nazrul Islam’s advocacy to form a grand Scheduled Caste Hindu-Muslim alliance in Bengal – a political maneuver to make Hindus effete on the whole.

Now the question remains how Hindus can respond to the theory – notion that emerged in the tumultuous days of Pakistan movement in 1940s and has destructed Hindus on the whole.  

It is to be noted that this theory to denounce Hindu conviction and also strip them of all assets in Bengal was propounded in the 40s and Jogendranath Mandal, first Minister of Labor and Law in Pakistan, having desire to develop lot of Scheduled Caste Hindus in the then newly founded Pakistan became a party to it – because of his imbecility and inhuman ignorance of Islamists’ real intentions.  

Jogendranath Mandal felt that in the new country Muslim League would do everything to better conditions of Shudra Hindus. And since the majority of Caste Hindus had fled East Pakistan, as per him, lower caste Hindus would have best days.  

Little did he know what was in the future. Prospect of Hindus in then East Pakistan was being soured with each day it passed. While the banning of annual Rath Yatra of Hindus at Dhamrai, Dhaka in 1948 signaled the impending debacle of Hindus in post-1947 East Pakistan first of all, Barisal genocide in 1950 sealed fate of Shudra Hindus forever. Genocide claimed lives of no less than 50, 000 Hindus while 1 million of them took refuge in India – the majority of it were Shudra Hindus. As stated by the Time magazine, 70,000 Hindus fled from East Pakistan to India when the passport was introduced on 15 October 1952.   

Jogendranath Mandal, when protested, was warned and hence, he had to flee to Calcutta where from he sent his letter of resignation to Liaquat Ali Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan then.

And the Hindu persecution in East Pakistan, later Bangladesh, has been going on incessantly from then – reducing Hindus from 29% in 1947 to a staggering 9% of the entire population nowadays. Shudra Hindus, these days, are regarded as persona non grata in the realm of Bangladesh.

Their lots have not developed in India also: Islamists, being the choicest minority community to the political spectrum in both Delhi and Bengal, enjoys predominance than them.  Will the proposed Shudra-Muslim alliance save them?  The result, without doubt, will be bitterer than the previous experiment.

Nazrul Islam, being a highly educated person, can’t remain unconscious of this cruel reality; prefers to dupe and destruct Hindus once and for all. Thus, he likes to complete the unfinished task of his glorious (?) ancestors.

See the Letter of Resignation of Jogendranath Mandal to know more.


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