Kerala’s Temples Outstanding for their Simplicity and Traditional Style

Kerala temples have many unique features, which were originally found all over India, but have disappeared, according to former director of state archaeology.

They are outstanding for their simplicity, purity, and age-old traditions rooted in Vedic ethos, which continue to be maintained and no changes have been made in the heritage structures such as addition of any shrines or modification of existing ones.

To Know More Please Read:


(Padmanabha-Swami Temple)


Unknown said…
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You have provided a nice and informative post on Kerala temples. Kerala is a home of many temples and attracts many pilgrims from all around the world.
Himachal Tourism
Manali Hotels said…
Kerala temples are very old and ancient. Popular for simplicity and beautiful architecture. Thank you for sharing this informative post.
Manali Hotels

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