Will United States support Hindus in Bangladesh, save them from extinction?

When on earth indigenous government in any country fails miserably to protect its own countrymen, the need of external help or an international brigade is felt most. This is not any new concept but has been going on in the realm of global politics from time immemorial – the latest to add to this inventory is Bengali Hindus from Bangladesh – who to save their own skin along with kith and kin are counting on the United States in the end.  If history is remembered – the same country was in Pakistan’s camp during the Bangladesh Freedom Struggle in 1971 leading to the formation of a nation for all Bengalis but steadily grabbed by Islamists only.

Now, Bengali Hindus and their representatives in U.S., Hindus of Bangladeshi-origin, are gearing up and urging United States government to make a positive approach to end burgeoning agonies of Hindus back home. It is to be noted, Shahbag struggle meant for exemplary punishments of war criminals in 1971 has been challenged by Muslim radicals across Bangladesh and the first victim of their wrath, as usual, are Hindus.

All these have come to the fore thanks to a unique initiative of late – protesters or Hindus of Bangladeshi-origin gathered outside the White House and asked the US president to intervene the political atmosphere in Bangladesh, save Hindus living there and also enlist radical Jamat-e-Islami as a foreign terrorist group.     

While demanding enactment of hate crime laws by the Bangladeshi Government, protesters highlighted the memorandum, "We are urging everyone to be united in outrage and by humanity and do all you can to save the endangered minorities of Bangladesh."

The other demands included setting up of a monitoring cell with prosecutorial authority to monitor, prevent, and prosecute all communal incidents; and creation of a minority welfare ministry with authority to create a special police force drawn from the minority populace.

"Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council, USA is calling upon the civilized world to come to the protection of these innocent and peaceful people who have committed no other wrongs than belonging to faiths other than what the terrorists would choose for them.They can count on no one and go nowhere," the statement said.

The sole credit to organize such a powerful campaign goes to Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council, Hindu American Foundation and the Indian American Intellectual Forum.

Will Hindus be responded ever? This is the most vital question as none care for bankrupt, effete people.


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